Praise & Prayer
Guidelines for
Prayer Requests
ACTS All Family Prayer will be from 6:45pm-7pm, after dinner on Wednesday nights
The Prayer Request portion will start at 7pm and is optional. People will not be spiritually shamed into staying.
Prayer requests will be refreshed each week, and will not automatically be carried over.
You are welcome to have your request be ANONYMOUS
Ex. ANONYMOUS REQUEST - please pray as I struggle with drug addiction
If the request is not for you, please confirm that you have permission to include someone else's name in your request.
Prayer Request Sheets will not be posted online or on any social media.
All submitted requests will be evaluated by church staff or prayer leader, and will not automatically be included on the prayer sheet.
Consider keeping the requests closer to home.
Prayer requests must be submitted by noon each Wednesday to be added to the prayer sheet.
Email or submit a prayer request below.
How can we pray for you this week? Send us a message below or to and we will add you to our prayer list. No need to tell us your name, unless you want to.